ICC Week Ourense

Next week will be held in Ourense the ICC WEEK, IIIº Framework of the cultural and creative industries. For six days there will be a large representation of the cultural sector of Galicia and Spain. ICC Week has been held since 2015 in Ourense as a cross-cutting event for all the sector’s events: the task is to bring together some of the most innovative agents, proposals and tools in the Audiovisual field (Film and TV), the Music Industry, Radio, New Technology Trends, Apps, Video Games and sectors where creativity is an asset and essential.

For six days, a succession of speedmeetings, lectures, talks, interviews, showcases and a great variety of activities are a collective reflection on one of the key sectors of this century and offer, within the incomparable setting of the province of Ourense, A unique space for the exchange of ideas and experiences, co-working and the possibility of connecting ideas, media and new markets.

The present edition 2017 will be celebrated, in different cities and towns of the province between the days 2 and 7 of May.

You have more information in http://ourenseiccweek.com/gl/

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