Oenach, a word of Indo-European origin, which means something like “meeting place of the community”, etymologically represents the content of this cultural event. Under a format of meeting in a common place, the Atlantic Oenach, tries to remain faithful its initial vocation based on three axes:

  1. Approaching the Galician cultural heritage to the citizens from didactic approaches, nourishing themselves in the sources of the investigation.
  2. Work with the population, through a process of participation of the citizenship itself in the recreation.
  3. Structuring an integrative event in different areas or areas of cultural heritage: popular theatrical recreation, handicrafts, traditional music ethnography and new trends, samples of native livestock, gastronomic day (rural economy), rural sports and traditional games, museum and Recreations on Castro culture.

Therefore, the Atlantic Oenach, which takes place in the old Feira do 13, has a medium attendance maintained the length of the last eigtheen years above the fifteen thousand attendees, and in which about one hundred people of the parish participate in Which is located (Sedes), is becoming an ethnographic and cultural reference of the province of A Coruña.

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